Friday, October 19, 2007


Was awakened by the tune of "Shining Friends" coming from my handphone this morning.
the screen on my handphone read "Hi! How are you?" sender - Jowie.
Stared blankly at the message for a good two seconds before drifting back to dreamland.

It was a real luxury to be able to sleep right into noon time. I don't get this opportunity once class resumes on Monday. The night before, I was frantically trying to complete my Social Studies assignment on Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech. Sleep finally came to me at 5 a.m. That was when 'I had a dream'~~ =)

Had lunch at 1 pm after which, we (dad, mom & i) took a ride down town. Had some errands to run. Me ,to get my specs -yes! my new specs :), dad, to do some banking stuff and mom, to get my cousin Colin, a birthday pressie.

Returned home just in time for dinner.

Continued with my assignment after makan..

Might seem a little dull - this day of mine. But i'm enjoying every moment spent with my family before returning to JB.
I guess time spent with loved ones would be always fun! fun! fun! regardless of the place.. even if it's just confined to the walls of our house. =)

Alrighty, have to get on with my assignment. Boy, time sure flies! I still can't believe it's Friday already... just last week i was eagerly looking forward to my 10 days Raya break..
On a brighter note, there's another row of holidays too look forward to - Deepavali holidays! =D
That should suffice in keeping me energized for another two lonnng weeks.

MARTIN LUTHER~~~ here come I!

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