Monday, October 22, 2007

A tomato story

Imagine this :
A bright red-faced tomato on the running tracks.

That was the exact image onlookers had their eyes on when yours truly was trotting (with much difficulty) on the field this evening.

Huffing and puffing (hyperventilating) as I sprung my foot forward -one after the other on what seemed like an endless track.

I was jogging alright! =P

"NO PAIN( right foot forward), NO GAIN ( left foot forward)
NO PAIN, NO gain
NO PAIN, no gain..."
I repeated to myself for what seemed like the 1000th time before i felt -- tiny droplet of sweat beads appeared on the sides of my cheek...

I'd usually first feel the blood surge up to my face, my cheeks would then experience a burning sensation as it vibrates violently on both sides.
Ok-lar, strike off the "violently". Maybe not to that extend-lar. But to some extend of the word, it's true and that goes to show all the more the need for me to exercise. Especially after what seemed like a "10-dont-come-by-easily-raya-break."

Holidays are a great time to relax and unwind.
Holidays are a great time to take a step back and enjoy the wonders of our surrounding.
But...Holidays are ALSO a greeeeeaaaaaaaT time to "E-A-T" & "S-L-E-E-P."
I call it plain pigging out.

That explains where all the extra fatty tissue pop out! (if this sentence is even scientifically correct) =P

Ok, so back to the bright red tomato.

The problem is this; every time i engage in a strenuous activity of any sort- be it jogging or outdoor activities, I'd blush ten shades and be as red as a lobster.
No kidding!
I'm quite used to the sight of myself in such a state. But not onlookers who happen to drive/stroll by. They'd be ogling me with that worried look plastered on their faces - afraid I might working myself to hard and am about to faint.

There were a few times, during the cross country run in my lower secondary school years in which I had to repeatedly gesture to the teachers placed at different checkpoints (even in my breathless state) that "I'm reallly reaaallly up to this!".
And mind you, a mere thumbs up from me won't do to justify my state. I remembered once I had to practically run up to one of my teachers to assure her. Can you imagine what a waste of quality time that would be during a race? =P
Nevertheless, I'm really thankful for caring teachers. =)

Running has always been one of my better sports. I have indeed accumulated for myself, throughout the years a few medals of which I cherish dearly :)

However, I still can't help feeling all self-conscious after a jog. Especially now that I'm in college, and there are many people who'd work out in the field in the evenings.

Recalling a friend's remark ---
"But I still think you look sweet when you turn red. That's you mar! If not red, then it's not the Christine Lee that I know already..."

that got the silly grin plastered on my tomato face for days! =)

Which brings a story to mind :

A family of three tomatoes were running downtown one day when the little baby tomato started lagging behind. The big father tomato turns to look at the baby tomato.
Guess what he said??

tomato, ketchup! (catch up)

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